Discover Your Money Type

Coaching Tailored to You

Bilancia Wealth offers holistic money coaching services to suit you no matter where you’re at on your financial transformation journey. All services are offered in a mixture of one-on-one, couples and group-hybrid formats.

Does Any of This Sound Like You?

Now Imagine..

Feeling calm, clear and in control of your financial well-being.  You know your financial ‘WHY’, you’re aware of your money strengths and pitfalls and how to navigate them.

You have the financial self-awareness, foundation knowledge and tools to support you on your money journey and a financial action plan to propel you underway.

You have transformed your relationship with money, embraced your personal and financial wealth potential and are creating a life by design, not by default.

You feel financially FREE.

C.R.E.A.T.E: Your Journey to Soul-Aligned Wealth Creation

An 8-week coaching journey designed to help you CONNECT with a deeper sense of financial purpose, TRANSFORM your hidden money blocks and C.R.E.A.T.E a soul-aligned financial action plan to ELEVATE your wealth.

For purpose-driven humans wanting more clarity and control over their financial well-being.

Over our 8 weeks together, you will embark on a journey to develop deeper financial self-awareness and learn how to leverage this to guide you in all future financial decision-making.

We start by examining your internal drivers for wanting to create financial wealth and use these to craft your unique wealth creation mission and vision.

We then deep-dive into your money story to identify your hidden financial roadblocks and re-frame the narrative, opening the floodgates to more abundance.

Lastly you will acquire the knowledge, competence, and confidence to take control of your day-to-day finances and take steps to grow your wealth in a purpose-driven way.


An elevated financial IDENTITY, a new financial YOU.

“Working with Anna has completely shifted my confidence in personal wealth and where my focus needs to be There are so many things on my list I want to do because of this program, to create the financial mindset and lifestyle and I know I can easily manage.”

Samantha Warfield-Smith

“Coaching with Anna was electrifying for me.  Her soft and consoling acknowledgement of my history allowed me to be open to my past blocks around my relationship with money. I gained relief from emotional blocks, discovered daily triggers and identified what bad money beliefs were actually mine and which belonged to others in my family.  The breakthroughs flowed daily for a few sessions and slowed down as I broke and healed those patterns. I honourably have taken radical responsibility in my financial life and had my first 90K month in my business. Anna is a godsend and beautiful light to work with.”

Shannon Rizzo – CEO & Founder, Boundless Foundation


The Foundations to CREATE

CREATE is our signature coaching program designed to help you re-write your money story and birth a new financial reality, one that aligns with your unique financial mission and purpose and vision of a life well-lived.

Over our 8 weeks together you will learn how to:

You’re In Good Hands

All of this will be led by Anna who has operated in the financial services realm for over 22 years.

From diversified managed investments to personal financial planning, global transactional banking and enterprise risk, Anna understands the principles of wealth creation and that this first and foremost begins with cultivating a healthy internal relationship with money. Through the process of identifying her own money shadows embedded from early childhood, Anna knows first-hand how these can play out in self-sabotaging ways across the pillars of life and money and the benefits of developing deeper financial self-awareness in order to loosen their grip.

As Certified Money Coach (CMC®) and Holistic Wealth Consultant Anna is trained to work with individuals to help them identify and break through their internal barriers to personal and financial wealth creation.  Her mission is to help as many humans as possible elevate their wealth consciousness and create a lifestyle by design.

Program Inclusions

8 x weekly or fortnightly 60-75 minute coaching sessions with Anna

Weekly recorded masterclasses and meditations

Workbooks, tools and templates

Unlimited access via email and WhatsApp

Preferential pricing on future programs, masterclasses, workshops and events

COST: $1795 $899 Group Format | $2395 $1199 Individual | $3495 $1749 Couple

* Discount pricing in effect until January 31, 2023

“I felt very comfortable being vulnerable with Anna, and letting her guide me to uncover my personal blocks towards money. She is thorough, incredibly informative, supplies lots of juicy content and has the ability to make you feel very held in the container of her group sessions.  I just love Anna’s approach to manifesting abundance and changing the way you think about money to uplevel your financial wellbeing.”

Louisa Seton –Louisa Seton Photography & Sacred Feminine Photography

How is Our Approach Different?

You might have paid for financial advice in the past or tried DIY methods but none of them have stuck.  Want to know why?

Unlike traditional financial planning firms Bilancia Wealth applies a holistic approach to wealth creation. We know that outer follows inner, and that if we want to manifest our hopes and dreams on the outside we need to connect with them first on the inside.

Our process begins with getting laser focussed on what it is you want to call in from a financial well-being perspective: what is the role and importance of having and creating wealth in your life? What can you do, be, have, give or create?

We then deep-dive into the inner-workings of your money-mind to identify what may be standing in the way of your capacity to call this in.  Often this is in the form of limiting perceptual patterns and behavioural tendencies passed down to us or formed in early childhood.  Around 95% of this money programming is unconscious and yet it influences the lion’s share of our financial decisions and, ultimately, outcomes.

With newfound awareness of your hidden money programs and how to navigate them, the foundations are laid to step into the driver’s seat of your financial life. From here that you will begin to acquire the necessary foundation financial knowledge and habits to enable you to take empowered action to creating a life on your terms – a life by design.

“Even though I have over 20 years’ experience as an investment professional Anna was able to provide insight that I had not previously considered. I found Anna to be an excellent communicator would highly recommend her coaching. The time and cost are a very worthwhile investment.”

Keith Mould – Director, RBC Dominion Securities, Canada

Say Farewell to Financial Self-Sabotage

Farewell those financial self-sabotaging loops and pitfalls that leave you never quite feeling like you’re quite on top, or living the life you know you are meant for. A part of you always sensing the possibility for more, reflecting your soul’s desire to express itself more both personally and financially.

Alleviate suffering from:

This program is for you if:

This program is not for you if: