Discover Your Money Type

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Almost all of us suffer from at least one main money block – a psycho-emotional saboteur that can stand in the way of us realising our true potential. For business owners and entrepreneurs, one of the biggest money blocks is the fear of JUDGEMENT and VISIBILITY.

This is a big one for me, and for most of us is the result of our upbringing, our peer experiences and often extends further back into our ancestry.

Given that around 95% of our beliefs remain unconscious, this means that we are unlikely even aware that we are ‘staying small, to stay safe’.

How will you know if this is you? Ask yourself the following:

  • Am I AFRAID that others will resent me for my SUCCESS or ridicule me for my FAILURE?
  • Am I DELAYING getting my message out to the world?
  • Am I PROJECTING onto others versus shining the light on myself?
  • Am I AFRAID that the higher I climb the more I need SACRIFICE?

Unless cleared, this fear of being seen can continue to inhibit our ability to fulfil our purpose and potential to create income and impact in the world.

As my business coach always tells me:  “YOU CAN’T SELL A SECRET!”

Now, having this block doesn’t mean that you’re not doing well in life or money, but it could mean that with a bit of effort to transform your mindset you could be doing a whole lot better.

Do you think you could be staying small to stay safe?  Book a call with me, I’d love to see where I can help.