Discover Your Money Type

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Do you repeatedly tell yourself that there isn’t enough TIME? That if you had more time, you would be happier, healthier, a better parent or partner, that you’d make more MONEY and be more SUCCESSFUL?

If so, this could be indicative of a scarcity mindset which, you guessed it, is another money block. When we begin to make more money or have more success in life, often we transfer our scarcity mindset to time and unconsciously self-sabotage our own trajectory.

It’s a sign that we have more work to do.

What Can We Do?

We first need to bring AWARENESS and then take intentional ACTION to rescript the story that we have been told and likely played out our entire lives.  We also need to explore and embody new ways of DOING &and BEING that don’t have us rushing, pushing and forcing ourselves to reach what is the illusion of a finish line.

Because, the Truth?

Personal and financial abundance don’t need to come at the cost of perpetual suffering or sacrifice. They are in best cultivated when we are in a place of SPACIOUSNESS, GRATITUDE, JOY and are able to SURRENDER our timeframes over to the natural unfolding of the process.

This is the pathway to transforming our money mindset and to tapping into our personal and financial wealth potential.

If you’d like to learn more about the types of money blocks that could be standing in your way and how you can take steps to overcome them, book a call with me here.