Discover Your Money Type

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I love a seasonal detox (lie). Well, I love how I feel after one anyway (true).

I tend to struggle for the first couple of days before the haze begins to lift and not only do I start to feel lighter in body and mind but I can see how unconscious much of my eating and drinking behaviour has become.

Another area of our lives we should periodically detox is our SPENDING. By this I mean more than a regular stocktake of cashflow and committing to curbing frivolous purchases for a period of time. It includes examination of where our spending is out of alignment with our financial values and objectives and making a plan to revert to more PURPOSEFUL outlays – a spending audit if you will!

For example, is it more important for you to be able to:

  • Go out to expensive restaurants, or organic produce for your family?
  • Buy yourself a new pair of shoes each month, or enrol in an online course you’ve been wanting to take forever?
  • Upgrade the car now, or delay for one more year to be able to put a bit more into your investments or repay debt more quickly?

Of course, sometimes it’s going to be both depending on your means and budget, but it’s still worth going through the list to see where there may be opportunity to adjust our spending behaviours in favour of our values-aligned financial objectives, OR in simply bringing the goal posts forward a little (think more time-freedom, sooner).

Much like with food, once we turn our mind to where our money goes and seek to identify where things are out of alignment, we can begin making more mindful choices which, with repetition, become new, healthier habits.

Overlapping your physical and financial detox is also great way to knock two balls out of the park simultaneously given (in theory) you’ll have more time, clarity and less opportunity to splurge!

If you’re interested in learning about strategies to boost your personal and financial well-being, book a call with me here.